Debian on Android

Oct 13, 2024    #linux   #network  

Install debian on android guide

Root required, if not consider termux. And this is a VERY dangerous process. I’m not responsible for any bootlooped or bricked phone. Do this with your broken phone or something

Install lhroot


Well, lhroot is not well maintained, so you can have very mystery bug: “Module not detected”. The fix depends on device, but take a look at my comment

Initial setup

Chrooted in debian (using bootlinux in lhroot)

Setup network

aid_net_raw, aid_net is 2 groups have network permission, with you got any network, socket issue, try to add your user to these groups.

groupadd -g 3004 aid_net_raw
groupadd -g 1003 aid_graphics
usermod -g 3003 -G 3003,3004 -a _apt
usermod -G 3003 -a root

Update debian mirror

Follow debian documentations for more up-to-date instructions

Look for the nearest mirror based on your country at , mine is vietnam

# path: /etc/apt/sources.list

deb bullseye main

Update system

apt update -y && apt upgrade -y

Fix the debconf errors:

apt install -y dialog apt-utils

Create normal user

groupadd storage
groupadd wheel
useradd -m -g users -G wheel,audio,video,storage,aid_inet -s /bin/bash <your username>
passwd <your username>

Manage background services

Install openrc

Why? Android using init (sysV) init system, systemd does not work with that.

apt install openrc

# Remove default config, because this is a chrooted system, they don't work

rm -f /etc/rc*.d/*
rm -f /etc/runlevels/*/*

rc-update # <- Should have no result

Install openssh-server

apt install openssh-server


rc-update # <- Should have ssh as default


/sbin/openrc default

and sshd should be started normally at port 22.

Read openrc user-guide for more.

Persist between reboot

Required adb rooted shell. You may adb shell then type su

To mount our chroot and execute openrc on boot, we need to write a magisk bootscript . If you use KernelSU, find your own ways

Modify lhroot

Copy lhroot source code to somewhere (using adb push from pc), mine is /data/scripts/

busybox pwd

busybox tree
└── lhroot
    ├── bootlinux
    ├── bootlinux_env
    ├── bootlinux_init
    ├── bootlinux_log
    ├── killlinux
    ├── lhroot
    ├── make_image
    └── mount_image

Create a autoboot file in lhroot folder with following content


SCRIPT_PATH=$(readlink -f $0)
. ${SCRIPT_PATH%/*}/bootlinux_env

$busybox chroot $mnt /usr/bin/env su -c 'rm -rf /run/openrc; /sbin/openrc default;'

Make it executable

busybox chmox +x /data/scripts/lhroot/autoboot

Create Boot script

Create a script at /data/adb/service.d/ for example /data/adb/service.d/



Make it executeable

busybox chmod +x /data/adb/service.d/


adb reboot

Access to chrooted-env

ssh user@ip

You can get ip from ifconfig command execute in adb (rooted) shell. user is user you have created.

mDNS and avoid ip change.

Following commands is executed in chrooted shell

Access to router

If you have access to router, try use a static ip and dynamic DNS.

No access to router

Install avahi-daemon

apt install avahi-daemon

Add avahi user to network group

usermod -a -G aid_net_raw,aid_net

Config avahi, add service yourself, there’s debian docs for that .


ssh [email protected]